Average Weekly Wage

Average Weekly Wage by Industry Sector

The Middle Peninsula offers a readily workforce and a varied cluster of employers rooted in manufacturing, avionics, wood products, aquaculture, agriculture as well as niche clusters of information technology. The region also boasts a significant depth of talent in the hospitality industry. With an extended labor market area that dips into neighboring urban centers, employers in the Middle Peninsula region find a diversity of skilled employees that expands the talent pool

Industry NAICS Code Regional Average
Natural Resources and Mining 11,21 $939
Construction 23 $938
Manufacturing 31-33 $764
Trade, Transportation, and Utilities 22,42,44,45,48,49


Information* 51 $489
Financial Activities* 52,53 $976
 Professional and Business Services 54,55,56 $869
Education and Health Services 61,62 $853
Leisure and Hospitality 71,72 $333
Other Services 81 $545
Unclassified* 99 $730
Government   $780
Total MPA Region - $753

Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages, 4th Quarter 2019

*Regional industry sector average wages do not include data from all communities because of data confidentiality.

Totals may not sum due to rounding and data confidentiality within individual industries and communities.