About the MPA

Vision Statement

Growing success from our historical roots and natural environment. 

Mission Statement

Promoting the assets of Virginia's Middle Peninsula by connecting people, ideas and resources to develop new opportunities and visibility for the region. 

The Middle Peninsula Alliance is the front door for businesses and visitors interested in learning more about this unique Region of Virginia.  Let us provide you with a one-stop contact to introduce you to our Region and its assets.  The Middle Peninsula Alliance is a 501-c-3 corporation and is led by a Board of Directors representing each of the member localities.  Its Contract Executive Manager has over 30 years of experience in economic development.  The MPA Board of Directors generally meets on the second Wednesday of each quarter, at 6:30PM, at 125 Bowden Street, Saluda, Virginia 23149. The MPA Board is taking a summer break; its next scheduled meeting will be posted here when a date is set.


Board of Directors




photos by: Sarah Harris Photography