
Labor Force

In today's world, access to talent is a key driver in business growth decisions. With a primary core talent pool that shows year-over-year growth (see below), the Region's employers benefit from an extended talent pool of over 700,000. Complemented by training providers who understand business needs, the MPA's workforce story is a driver for business locations.

Community Labor Force (5/20) Unemployment Rate (5/20) Labor Force (2019) Unemployment Rate (2019) Labor Force Participation (16 and over)

Mean Travel Time to Work(Minutes)

Essex 5,431 9.5% 5,526 3.5% 61.3% 37
Gloucester 19,175 8.0% 19,705 2.6% 60.2% 34
King & Queen 3,765 6.7% 3,871 2.8% 55.7% 34
King William 8,952 7.9% 9,228 2.7% 65.1% 38
Mathews 3,987 6.6% 4,169 2.9% 50.9% 35
Middlesex 5,197 7.2% 5,219 2.6% 48.9% 30
Region 46,507 7.9% 47,818 2.8% 58.5% 35

Source: Virginia Employment Commission, Local Area Unemployment Statistics, 3/2020; U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates